Thursday, December 06, 2007

Car Free Year in Review

Okay. I know it's been months since the last update, but let's just forget all that, say I was too busy busing it to blog, and celebrate the fact that my car-free year has come and gone, and I am still sans car. A little recap of the highs and lows of saying goodbye to Cecelia and taking to the streets by foot:


  • Emissions. What emissions?
  • 15 novels, 30 magazines and 12 gazillion daily newspapers.
  • 4 fiction stories written, revised, written again.
  • Daily exposure to humans who don't all look, act, talk, smell the same as me.
  • Zipcaring to the Shenandoah cabin and beach camping.
  • My first trip on a Chinatown bus to NYC.
  • Bicycle love.


  • Scary mean bus driver. She yelled. I trembled, got mad, composed letter in my head recommending she take up a new line of work.
  • Missing every single happy hour that ends before 8 p.m.
  • Missing my car. I still sometimes miss my car. So sad, so true.
  • Carsick woman vomiting on my shoe on the bus.
  • Getting carsick on the bus and wanting to vomit on the shoe of the woman next to me.